Optical Training Institute

Atlanta, Georgia


“They treated us as we would like our customers and employees to be treated. We knew they were going to take care of the people and relationships most important to us and our business. It’s not an overstatement to say how fortunate we feel to have partnered with them.”

Nancy Ludwin


Company Profile

A leading education and training company serving eye care professionals

Optical Training Institute is a leading optical education company, directly serving eye care professionals as well as small practices and large eye care organizations across the country. Online since 1996, Optical Training Institute has grown significantly over the years to become a trusted name in the industry.

The founders, after dedicating over 25 years to the growth and development of the company, were approaching their retirement. Recognizing the importance of continuity and a smooth transition, they partnered with our team. Through a process rooted in mutual trust and collaboration, operational leadership was handed over seamlessly, ensuring the company’s legacy and team remains intact. Today, the original founders are comfortably enjoying their retirement.

Partnership Highlights

  • Brightleaf Holdings partnered with the founders to recapitalize the company.

  • Since then, the company has invested heavily in course development, including launching its flagship career training program, the Optician Development Program, with thousands of students across the U.S.

  • The company remains focused on achieving long-term growth by providing exceptional courses that improve patient care and the career trajectories of eye care professionals.

Optical Training Institute founder

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